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Appointment of Mr. Francisco J. Cruz Gonzalez as FANA's Ambassador to Puerto Rico.

October 23, 2023

Press Release

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Federation of Aboriginal Nations of the Americas 

c/o 560 Mineral Spring Avenue, Unit 5106 

Pawtucket, Rhode Island [02860]


Fana Appoints Key Ambassador position to the Island of Puerto Rico

PROVIDENCE , RHODE ISLAND – AUGUST 4, 2023 – The federation of Aboriginal Nations of The Americas has appointed a cadre of International Cultural, Anthropological Media and, Linguistic leaders to head up the Cabinet Positions of its Ministry of international Affairs.

Dr Ronald Yonaguska Halloway, the Minister of International Affairs for FANA and The Principle Chief of the SHBI and Ambassador to the United Nations and Ahtuskou chief the Council of Athuskou Chiefs of FANA announced The Appointment of Mr. Francisco J. Cruz Gonzalez to the Position of Ambassador to Puerto Rico, he holds Excellent nonprofit, government, and business management experience in the development of organizational systems, processes, and infrastructures that have improved productivity, increased efficiency, enhanced quality and strengthened outcomes in the US as well as Puerto Rico.

Landmark Appointments have highlighted FANA’s Concourse to the International Stage.

FANA has previously announced Appointments to nine key Positions expanding the reach influence and development of its international affairs in 2023. These important positions include Minister of International Affairs to Great Britain, Ambassador At Large for Canada and the Caribbean, Cultural Attache for outreach and Repatriation of Antiquities and Artifacts, among others.

The Federation of Aboriginal Nations of the Americas is an independent constitutional confederation of sovereign insular area political organizations that are indigenous to and constituted by aboriginal inhabitants of the lands and territories contemporarily referred to as the Americas and that are united for their common welfare, benefit, progression, provision, and protection.

Federation of Aboriginal Nations of the Americas 

c/o 560 Mineral Spring Avenue, Unit 5106 

Pawtucket, Rhode Island [02860]


560 Mineral Spring Avenue, Unit 5106

Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02860  |

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